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Miscellaneous Notes on Rangers
Compiled by René Chartrand

Former Military Curator of Parks Canada, Mr Chartrand is the author of countless quality works on military dress. Mr Chartrand is also provides research and consulting services to museums, heritage organizations and the film industry.

Gorham's (often spelt Goreham) Rangers, Nova Scotia, 1755

(Translated from the French:) "...there is also an independent company of 120 men composed of Maringhams [Mohican] Indians, which ours [our Indians] despise, and of bad subjectsof all nations. This corps is destined to run into the woods and is dressed in grey, cross pocket, with small leather caps or hats. It does not reside in Halifax..." Extracted from a French "Projet d'attaque sur Halifax" made in 1755, papers later taken by British.

Rogers Rangers

"...the said Robert Rogers to be Captain of an Independent Company of Rangers to be forthwith raised and employed in His Majesty's Service..." Boston, 24 March 1756, W. Shirley [General & Commander in Chief of H.M. Forces in North America]

Terms on which the three Ranging Companys are to be raised for His Majesty¹s Service under the Command of Capts Humphrey Hobbs & Thomas Speaksmam. [Albany, May 14th, 1756] "...A good hunting Coat, Vest, Breeches, a Shirt, a pair of Indian Stockings, Shoes and a Hatchet to be delivered [to] each man gratis at Albany - A firelock and Blanket to be Delivered Each Man at Boston, the firelock to be returned at the End of the Service."

John Earl Loudoun to Capt Robert Rogers, New York, 11 January 1757 "...augment the Rangers with five additional Companies...each company to consist of one Captain, two Lts, One Ensign, four Sergeants and one hundred privates... They are likewise to provide themselves with good warm clothing which must be uniform in every company, ...And the Company of Indians to be dressed in all respects in true Indian fashion..."

Gen. J. Amherst to H. Bouquet, New York, 31 August 1763 "...And I approve of your having Ordered the Rangers to be discharged for I have a very low opinion of them..."

Copyright: René Chartrend

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